Managing your time will help you succeed in achieving your goals

Managing your time will help you succeed in achieving your goals

Time is one of the irreplaceable things in our life so we have to use it wisely. Because of that we have to manage our time, plan our day and organize everything. Sometimes you can spend your whole day for studying or working, but that’s the only way to succeed, achieve your goals. It’s hard to break away from parties, walking with friends, but you have to understand that maybe you won’t be able to have fun for one day, but instead you spend your time for your future goals. Of course, with all this, it is important not to lose interest in what you doing, to combine both pleasure and work.

Essay about happiness

Essay about happiness

Being happy and content is essential to living a successful life.

Whenever we feel positive emotions rushing through our heads, chances are we are feeling happy. Happiness is what you feel when you enter the house, the smell of your favorite food being cooked or when you finally save up enough money to buy something you’ve wanted. It is an undeniably magical feeling. 

Happiness can do wonders for your productivity and well-being; when you are happy, you are more energetic, optimistic, and motivated. So it is, without a doubt, important. However, do not become caught up in trying to be happy, as this may lead to worse problems. Instead, allow yourself to feel your emotions; be authentic, even if that means feeling a little more negative.

504 Essential Words (Word Review 2)

504 Essential Words (Word Review 2)

A. In each of the parentheses below you will find two of the new vocabulary words. Choose the one that fits better.

  1. We will have to postpone our meeting unless more members show up.
  2. Rex underestimated the skill of the other tennis player, and he was beaten badly.
  3. With only a mediocre typing ability, Veronica never expected to be hired.
  4. Germs are a menace to our health.
  5. Although Rip was challenged to tell all he knew, he remained silent.
  6. We invited only the most prominent people in town to our fund-raising party.
  7. When her job in the city was abolished, Daisy went home to the farm.
  8. Unforeseen problems kept coming up each day, making it harder and harder for me to finish my work.
  9. I believe in our doctor and like the adequate reasons he gave us for keeping Grandma in the hospital.
  10. Don’t you get angry when someone ignores your question?

B. Match the words correctly with their opposite meanings.

  1. Consent — refuse
  2. Valid — untrue
  3. Ignite — put out
  4. Reveal — hide
  5. Urgent — not important
  6. Victorious — beaten
  7. Survive — die
  8. Mount — get off
  9. Prohibit — allow
  10. Miniature — large
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Assignments 29.04.2023

Assignments 29.04.2023

A. In each of the parentheses below you will find two of the new vocabulary words. Choose the one that fits better.

  1. We will have to postpone our meeting unless more members show up.
  2. Rex underestimated the skill of the other tennis player, and he was beaten badly.
  3. With only a mediocre typing ability, Veronica never expected to be hired.
  4. Germs are a menace to our health.
  5. Although Rip was challenged to tell all he knew, he remained silent.
  6. We invited only the most prominent people in town to our fund-raising party.
  7. When her job in the city was abolished, Daisy went home to the farm.
  8. Unforeseen problems kept coming up each day, making it harder and harder for me to finish my work.
  9. I believe in our doctor and like the adequate reasons he gave us for keeping Grandma in the hospital.
  10. Don’t you get angry when someone ignores your question?

B. Match the words correctly with their opposite meanings.

  1. Consent — refuse
  2. Valid — untrue
  3. Ignite — put out
  4. Reveal — hide
  5. Urgent — not important
  6. Victorious — beaten
  7. Survive — die
  8. Mount — get off
  9. Prohibit — allow
  10. Miniature — large

C. Which of the vocabulary choices in parentheses fits best in these newspaper headlines?

  1. “Charges against me are absurd,” complains governor.
  2. High school principal to prohibit student autos.
  3. Postponed flight of space shuttle for 48 hours.
  4. Witness promises to reveal truth today.
  5. “Best novel in a decade,” says critic.
  6. Sick child visited by prominent specialist.
  7. Flu germs menace elderly citizens.
  8. Stolen jewels are objects of massive search.
  9. Huge unemployment in urban areas.
  10. Weather man apologizes for gloomy weather forecast.
Assignments 25.04.2023

Assignments 25.04.2023

a. Look at three sentences from the articles and complete the missing words.

  1. The work isn’t that intellectually demanding.
  2. But that’s irrelevant: neither I nor my colleagues are stupid, and people have no right to look down on us.
  3. But the moment I call them time-wasters is the moment I should quit my job.

c. Complete the sentences with words or phrases from the list. Then write five sentences for your partner to complete with the other five words.

  1. Can we leave whenever we like or do we have to quit at a certain time.
  2. Nursing is often described as a rewarding job, even though it may be badly paid.
  3. The company has decided that around 20% of its workforce will have to be fired until the economic situation improves.
  4. The only skills required for this post are a good level of English and the ability to drive.
  5. If you are prepared to do unpaid work, there are several voluntary organizations that are looking for people.
English assignment 19.04.2023

English assignment 19.04.2023

a. Look at the highlighted phrasal verbs and idioms and guess the meaning of the ones you don’t know from the context. Then match them to the definitions 1-8.

  1. Look down on — think they are better than sb/sth
  2. Breaks my heart — makes me very upset
  3. Keep up with — move or make progress at the same rates as sb/sth
  4. Does my head in — makes me annoyed
  5. Gets wearing — becomes exhausting
  6. Life or death — vitally important
  7. Build up — get bigger
  8. Go blank — can’t think what to do or say
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Exercises for 17.04.23

Exercises for 17.04.23

a. Right or wrong? Correct the mistakes in the highlighted phrases.

  1. I don’t think you should drive until you’ve had your brakes fixed. (right)
  2. Why don’t you want to come?
    I haven’t got any money. (right)
  3. Has your husband to work tomorrow or is he taking the day off? (wrong)
  4. The staff don’t have to dress formally in this company — they can weak what they like. (wrong)
  5. How long have you been having your flat in London? (wrong)
  6. What time are we having dinner tonight? (right)
  7. My parents had got a lot of problems with my sisters when she was a teenager. (wrong)
  8. I don’t have a holiday for 18 months. I really need a break. (wrong)
  9. Have we got to do this exercise now, or can we do it later for homework? (wrong)

b. Rewrite the sentences using a form of have or have got.

  1. She’s an only child.
    She hasn’t got any brother or sister.
  2. We used to pay someone to take a family photograph every year.
    We used to have a family photograph taken every year.
  3. Buying car insurance is obligatory for all drivers.
    All drivers have to bay car insurance.
  4. He last saw his father in 2009.
    He hasn’t seen his father in 2009.
  5. He lacks the right qualifications for this job.
    He doesn’t have right qualifications for this job.
  6. It’s not necessary for us to do it now; we can do it later.
  7. The sea was amazingly clear and warm — we swam every morning.
    The sea was amazingly clear and warm — we had a swam every morning.
  8. When did you start to get on badly?
    How long have you got on badly?
504 Essential Words (Lesson 12)

504 Essential Words (Lesson 12)

b. Fill in the blanks.

  1. The doctor was completely frank with the dying man.
  2. In an audible whisper, Maria called for my attention.
  3. We didn’t need any evidence to see that the poor man was in urgent need of money and food.
  4. All his life the child was used to living in urban areas.
  5. Dry matches to ignite the campfire were sought by the boy scout.
  6. Smoking is prohibited in the medical building.
  7. Gasoline fumes help to pollute the air.
  8. The decrease in the number of people voting in national elections is due to lack of interest.
  9. Some citizens believe that we will never be able to abolish the war.
  10. The population of New York City is about eight million people.
  11. In the comics, Superman never revealed his true identity.
  12. They needed an adequate supply of water to last for the entire trip through the desert.

c. Word Detective.

  • Urban – having to do with cities or towns
  • Reveal – make known
  • Adequate – as much as is needed, sufficient
  • Pollute – make dirty
  • Abolish – do away with completely
  • Decrease – make or become less
  • Frank – free in expressing one’s thoughts
  • Urgent – demanding immediate action
  • Ignite – set on fire
  • Population – people of city or country
  • Audible – able to be heard
  • Prohibit – forbid by law or authority


a. Complete the sentences with the adjectives in the list.

  1. He is very thorough. Whatever part of a job he’s doing, he does it with great attention to detail.
  2. He’s quite resourceful. He can usually work out how to solve a problem.
  3. He’s very self-sufficient. He never needs anyone else’s help.
  4. Her boyfriend is a sympathetic guy. He’s sensible and she can really rely on him — just what she needs!
  5. She’s very determined. Once she’s decided to do something, nothing will stop her.
  6. My nieces are both really bright. They get very good marks at school in all their subjects.
  7. He’s not very gentle. When I was ill last week he didn’t even phone me.
  8. She is so conscientious! She worked all weekend to make sure she got everything done.
  9. My sister’s a very steady person. She’s calm and kind and she never gets angry.
  10. She’s such a straightforward person. She’s honest and open and says just what she thinks.
  11. He’s very spontaneous. He can suddenly decide to go to Paris in the morning and in the evening he’s there!
  12. Our math teacher used to be so sarcastic. She loved making comments that made us feel small.

b. Complete the phrases with the verbs from the list in the right form.

  1. My father tends to avoid conflict. He never argues with my mother — he just leaves the room.
  2. I don’t really like taking risks, especially with money.
  3. She makes life hard for herself because she refuses to compromise. Everything has to be perfect.
  4. She’s quite stubborn. She rarely changes her mind even when she knows she’s probably wrong.
  5. I worry about my grandmother. She’s so trusting that it would be easy for people to take advantage of her.
  6. On the surface he seems self-confident, but deep down he’s quite insecure.

c. Match the bold idioms 1-6 to their meanings A-F.

  1. My brother-in-law is very down to earth. (He is very sensible and practical) F
  2. Mum’s got a heart of gold. (She’s incredibly kind to everyone she meets) B
  3. My boss is a bot of a cold fish. (He’s unfriendly and he never shows his emotions) A
  4. My brother’s a real pain in the neck. (He’s so annoying — he’s always taking my things) C
  5. Dad’s a soft touch. (I can always persuade him to give me extra pocket money) D
  6. My uncle has a very quick temper. (He gets angry very easily) E
What do you remember?

What do you remember?

a. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.

  1. I don’t have a car, but I would like one.
    I wish I had a car.
  2. Please stop whistling. I’m trying to concentrate.
    I wish they would stop whistling. I’m trying to concentrate.
  3. I regret not speaking to her before she left.
    I wish I had spoken to her before she left.
  4. He got a good job although he didn’t have the right qualifications.
    He got a good job despite not having the right qualifications.
  5. That’s the man for whom I used to work.
    That’s the man I used to work for.

b. Choose a, b or c.

  1. I opened the door quietly so as not to wake my father up.
  2. He still works even though he won a million pounds on lottery last year.
  3. That’s the house in which Shakespeare was born.
  4. Do you realize what you’ve done?
  5. That dog follows me wherever I go.

c. Circle the right word.

  1. That walk was exhausting. I need a good rest now.
  2. I was really shocked when I read the email.
  3. This company had forty employees.
  4. Do you do business with many foreign companies?
  5. That lawyer must be very successful — he’s got so many clients.

d. Complete the missing words.

  1. Will the company make a profit or loss this year?
  2. The slogan for their new advertising campaign is ‘You’ll never find a better one.’
  3. My uncle was made
  4. We are planning to launch our new product in September.
  5. The bank has branches all over the country.

e. Complete the sentences with one word.

  1. He has set up a new company which makes software.
  2. Our local shop has been taken over by a big supermarket chain.
  3. They missed the last bus so I ended up having to drive them home.
  4. There are many different kinds of pasta, such as fetticine.
  5. Many English words come from French, for example royal.

f. Complete the sentence using the bold word and prefix.

  1. This word is very difficult to say. I always mispronounce it.
  2. When I finish my first degree I want to get a … qualification.
  3. The city center was completely … after the war.
  4. We are really underpaid. We can hardly survive on our salary.
  5. The actress wrote her autobiography after she retired.

g. Underline the word with a different sound.

  1. amusing, business, whose, misunderstand
  2. staff, branch, launch, market
  3. colleague, logo, though, owner
  4. client, biannual, irritate, tiring
  5. company, shocked, money, worried